How Bongo Began or "A Carrier Bag Full Of Chillis!"
Not the actual bag (don't be silly) but probably quite similar!
Flash back, if you will, to 30 yrs ago when spices/chillis in England were a very different matter from today. Even Mr Sainsburys hadn't yet decided to stock fresh chillis and unless you went to a rare and specialised shop you couldn't buy them anywhere!
Indian born Bongo really missed the flavours he grew up with, the joy of crunching into a green chilli in the morning, the fresh tingle on the tongue and the anti-bland heat!
One day Bongo happened to be in Bristol when he stumbled upon Indian fresh green chillis and it was literally like his siren song was calling to him!
Best seller Chillimanjaro
Never one to do anything by halves Bongo purchased a full carrier bag and it wasn't until he got them home that he realised he would never get to eat them all before they went off! So he set about "preserving" these rare things and yup- you guessed it- #Chillimanjaro was born and began to go in tour with Bongo!
Bongo on tour with Tears For Fears
After many years developing the recipe and after Mrs Bongo persuaded him to create the company last year, it's our best seller and all thanks to a carrier bag full of green chillis!